Terms & Conditons
Applications Policies & Agreement

I understand it is a criminal offense to 1) use another person’s credit information or sign another person’s name to obtain this loan, 2) to submit false and/or misleading information on the application, 3) to confirm current employment, when in fact you are currently unemployed or have been notified of job termination on an immediately upcoming date, 4) to accept a loan for the payment of surgery expenses, when in fact you are in the process of, or are planning to, file bankruptcy leading to default of the loan obligation for financial services from the financial institution. I hereby affirm under the penalty of perjury, I have not committed any of the offenses stated above, and understand I may be subject to civil action for any attempt to defraud and/or malign AcQuired Loan Solutions (AcQuired) and/or the credit issuers (lenders), and/or breach this Agreement in any manner.

I understand AcQuired is an independently owned, fee based management/processing company, neither a lender, broker nor aggregator for lenders, and entirely separate for any such entity, primarily engaged in the business of helping persons secure credit for cosmetic medical/dental procedures, and therefore neither approves nor denies applications, sets the procedure price, interest rate, term, payment plan or lenders’ fees, nor discriminates against any person for any reason. I understand credit issuers may require more or less information than I have provided, and that AcQuired has requested the information herein, not to accommodate any single lender’s requirements, but rather to determine with which one my application has the best chances of being approved. I understand further, AcQuired may attempt to secure credit from multiple sources, to include banks, patient financing companies, credit card issuers and consumer/commercial lenders, where the amount offered by the first source is less than needed, that to avoid unnecessary inquiries that deduct critical points off my credit score AcQuired stays current with the FICO score requirements, approval criteria and bank affiliations of patient financing companies and lenders, and that AcQuired does not favor any one credit source over another. I understand that applicants are welcome to contact AcQuired with questions prior to submitting their application, that applications are routinely processed immediately upon being received, that applications are accepted via fax or online only, and that applicants are routinely notified of application status via telephone and/or email.

I understand I am asking AcQuired to help me secure an unsecured personal loans/lines of credit, and that these financial products have a higher risk of default than any other type of loan, because there are no “goods”  (car, boat, furniture, etc.) for the lender to Repo and then resell to another party should the borrower fail to pay, nor can the lender require a medical/dental provider to refund payment for purchases or services rendered, where the borrower defaults on the loan. Accordingly, I understand eligibility and approval criteria for unsecured personal loans and credit lines for elective medical/dental services are more rigid, and that interest rates are typically higher than those of credit unions and commercial lenders for retail purchases. I understand eligibility for these financial products can be limited to persons with established credit history, and that applicants with well-established and strong credit history have a greater chance of being approved, and experience lower interest rates and costs, as their risk of default is statistically low. Conversely, I understand applicants with Minimal Income and/or Weak Credit History, High Debt-To-Income Ratio, High Balances, Low FICO Scores, History of Open Collections, Charge-Offs, Late Pays, and Past Dues, Excessive Obligations, Recent Bankruptcy, Judgments, Credit Counseling and Credit Settlement have a lesser chance of being approved, and/or experience higher interest rates and costs, as their risk of default is statistically higher. I understand as a national average, about fifty percent (50%) of applications for patient financing can require a co-applicant for approval, that interest rates are typically based on “risk” as perceived by the lender, and that interest rates of from nine to twenty-seven (9% – 27%) percent or more are typical for standard payment plans, whereas lower and Zero (0%) percent interest rates are typically promotional in nature, and are subject to approval, availability and provider participation, and that their default criteria can be less forgiving, as determined by individual lenders offering them. I understand also, approval for credit may be subject to verification of income and identification by credit issuers, that Lender and Plan fees may apply, and that any such fees will be disclosed in writing, prior to completion of the loan transaction.

I affirm to be at least eighteen years of age, and a U.S. citizen and/or permanent resident of the U.S. and that I have the capacity and authorization to submit this application and accept services offered. In accordance with all current standards and requirements regarding privacy and confidentiality I hereby allow the release of the above information to AcQuired and credit issuers, and authorize and request AcQuired and its agents to apply for and secure credit for me, accept terms and conditions and payment and billing options on my behalf from available credit sources, and/or to refer me to credit issuers directly, and/or counsel me on how to enhance my chances of being offered credit. I freely authorize AcQuired and/or its agents to monitor and/or record calls, verify information I provide, obtain my credit report, require a financial statement and copy of my photo ID, and to share to the extent permitted by law this information with others as necessary in their efforts. I understand I am responsible for all charges incurred under a lender’s terms should I choose to accept any credit account offered as a result of this application, and I instruct credit issuers to consider this application a duplicate where received within the past ninety (90) days.

I understand and agree I am responsible to pay AcQuired a one time fee of One-Hundred Fifty ($150.00) dollars, IF AND ONLY their efforts result in credit being extended to me, that I am not obligated to accept or use any such credit offer(s), and that I may cancel any such offer(s) at my discretion, with no penalty imposed by AcQuired. In other words, I understand AcQuired will be acting as a broker to present my personal information to credit issuers. I understand also, I am responsible to pay a one-time One-Hundred Fifty dollar fee to AcQuired, where their efforts result in credit being extended to me. If AcQuired obtains a bona fide commitment to me under the terms and conditions outlined above, I will be obligated to pay the one time, One-Hundred Fifty dollar fee in full, as requested by AcQuired, even if I choose not to complete the loan transaction. I understand the above fee is being charged solely by AcQuired, and that it is neither associated with, nor being paid in any part to, any credit issuer, financial institution or medical/dental provider. I understand too, prices quoted by providers for cosmetic medical and/or dental procedures typically reflect their Cash (discounted) Price, that medical/dental providers may offer the discount as an incentive for patients to pay directly by Cash or major credit card, and avoid the administrative encumbrances associated with third party payers, that the Cash Price can be ten (10%) percent or more lower than the provider’s Regular Price, and that prices can vary among practices both locally and regionally. I understand further, as applicants routinely submit applications to AcQuired without first speaking with them, that fees for services as above are required by federal law to be disclosed in writing, in a form including electronic, that both parties may keep, as it is otherwise problematic to establish whether or not the fee was disclosed, prior to the application being submitted.

I affirm to have read and/or understand and accept the terms and policies put forth in this application, and I agree to save and hold harmless AcQuired and its representatives from any and all claims and/or actions including, but not limited to attorney fees and costs connected in any manner with this application. I affirm the information contained herein is true and submitted by my authorized agent or me, and I understand a click to submit this application represents my signature, as is common with electronic applications. If the meaning of any portion of this Agreement differs in interpretation, in any language other than English, the meaning as written in English shall be the considered meaning.